Freezing with Fleece Wrap-Ears

I've never looked forward to the season of cold weather more than I am this year. Knowing that we're all going to have our Fleece Wrap-Ears to keep us warm has me planning out my winter wardrobe combos and eagerly shoving my summer clothes aside.

Blue Raspberry Fleece Wrap-Ear Two Ways

Whether you wear them for your freezing commute or as a headband with your favorite sweater, you'll find you reach for Fleece Wrap-Ears again and again as the temperature drops.

Lysande is Loving

This series is a collaboration brought to you by myself and Alex Soler-Lovell, to share what we’re loving. I mean, it’s kind of like the highlights of our Slack conversations but we wanted to bring you into it. Join the conversation and let us know what you're loving!