Freezing with Fleece Wrap-Ears

I've never looked forward to the season of cold weather more than I am this year. Knowing that we're all going to have our Fleece Wrap-Ears to keep us warm has me planning out my winter wardrobe combos and eagerly shoving my summer clothes aside.

Come Sail Away

We took to the seas during our week in Maine and it became Olive's most favorite activity in approximately zero seconds. The only hiccup we faced was that she wanted to have every single toy out on the deck. In the end I decided that her bag of toys counted as one toy if she… Continue reading Come Sail Away

(Mini) Twisted Crown Wire Headband Tutorial

In this tutorial video, I show how I style Lysande's Jaipur Mini Wire Headband into a perfect twisted crown for an elegant look that can go from day to night.

Ainsa Spain Travel Guide

We spent 3 nights and 2 full days in Ainsa, Spain - a medieval town in the foothills of the Spanish Pyrenees - and y'all it was BEAUTIFUL. Ainsa is geared toward cyclists (primarily enduro riders, with lots of road riding and a little bit of cross country mountain biking sprinkled in) with opportunities for… Continue reading Ainsa Spain Travel Guide